Monday 5 June 2023

50 yr female with diabetic ketoacidosis.

 5th june 2023

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan.

A 50year old female patient who resident of nalgonda presented to casualty with chief complaints of pain abdomen 7 days back and regurgitation of food .

History of presenting illness 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 years back then she had a episode of giddiness,was taken to hospital and diagnosed with Hypertension and on regular medication MET-XL25 mg.

Till 6 years back she is doing well developed Bilateral knee joint pain for which she was advised to take analgesics .

She started to take antacid medication since 4 years 

1 month back patient developed facial puffiness,pedal edema was taken to nearby hospital and was told she is having Fatty liver managed conservatively from then she used to develop pedal edema on &off .

Patient complaining of loss of appetite, regurgitation of food, difficulty in swallowing

5 days back 

1 episode of vomiting bilious ,non projectile ,food as content  

3 episodes of loose stools non sticky,foul smelling, yellow coloured, small quantity,not associated with blood  

Abdominal pain squeezing type non radiating , continuous in nature,with no aggravating and relieving factors 

Pt presented to casualty on 3/6/23 evening 

On checking her GRBS it was found to be HIGH.

URINE for ketone bodies found to be positive.

Past History:

Not a k/c/o Tb, epilepsy,cad,CVD,Asthma, thyroid disorders.

Family History 

Not significant

Personal History:

Pt is having loss of appetite, vowel movements increased ,micturition- 7-8 times /day ,sleep - inadequate,No addictions.

Daily routine:

Patient used to be a maid 6 years back and stopped working due to bilateral knee joint pain and used to stay at home

Patient wakes up at 6:30 am ,does her daily activities and drinks Java at around 7:30 , breakfast by 8 am ,watches Tv will have her lunch by 2 pm ,takes Tea by 6 pm and dinner by 9 pm and sleeps by 10 pm.

General Examination:

Pt is conscious, coherent,cooperative 

Pallor present

no icterus,cyanosis, clubbing,generalised lymphadenopathy,edema.

Clinical images:

Bp-130/80 mm Hg
Pr- 97 bpm
Rr-25 cpm
Spo2: 98%@RA


Abdomen is distended
Infra umbilical vertical scar present
No sinuses, pulsations,  peristalsis.
Umbilicus is central and inverted
All quadrants of Abdomen move equally  with respiration.
No local rise of temperature
Tenderness present in the Right ,Left Hypochondrium and Epigastrium.
No fluid thrill 
Liver is palpable
Spleen not palpable
Resonant note is heard on percussion
 shifting dullness negative
Bowel sounds are heard.

S1,S2 heard No murmurs

No focal neurological deficit 

Normal vesicular breath sounds heard.


URINE for Ketone bodies: Positive 
Serum osmolality:

Glycated Hemoglobin 

Abg and serum electrolyte values

Liver function test:

Usg Abdomen:
No sonological abnormalities detected

Chest X ray:

Provisional Diagnosis:
?Diabetic ketoacidosis ?Starvation ketoacidosis with Acute Gastroenteritis with Denovo DM2.


1.IVFluids NS @100ml/hr
2.Inj.HAI  infusion 1ml(40U)in 39 ml NS@4ml/hr increase or decrease according to GRBS
3.IV 5Dextrose@50ml/hr increase or decrease according to GRBS
5.monitor Vitals Hourly

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